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Take the pressure off passion and purpose.

We are constantly bombarded with: “What is your passion? What is your life purpose?” or “Follow your passion, Live your purpose”. They are such loaded questions and statements, they have become questions that seem to sometimes make us uncomfortable. Because for most of us we don't actually have a clue to what that is for us. If you have a certain passion or feel you are living your purpose, you will know it and already be doing it.

But there is also nothing wrong with not knowing right now, this is where it gets exciting. Firstly let's address the search for answers. It's almost like some of us are looking to the sky, for the clouds to part and the “creator” to give us this huge sign of direction on which will be our passion and purpose. While narrowing our sights at the sky for this incredible message of direction - we are oblivious to the boundless opportunities that surround us. It is like the story of the fisherman sitting on the bank of the river waiting for the amazing 1 meter fish to feed his family, he had caught many smaller 10/20cm fish but threw them back in wait for the big one. The day had almost past and the fisherman had no fish to feed his family.. all the while the 10 or so little fish would have been more than enough to feed his family and more. So are you narrowing your sights on one big sign or are you being present and aware to notice the smaller signs around you which could lead onto a breadcrumb trail of infinite possibilities? From my own experience of having multiple passions that change all the time, you should follow what interests you, what intrigues you, what makes you curious. Explore and experience that! Enjoy it! If it makes you happy then do it! And then if it's not for you a little down the track at least you gain that wisdom along the way to help along your journey. Who knows, one thing may lead to another and you find what makes you want to get out of bed every morning with a strong purpose and driving passion. And if the thing you thought was your big passion fades? It has happened to everyone, including myself. As human we grow and discover new things that peak our interest. I have close friends who were passionate professional athletes and then found the passion starting to fade in what was once there biggest passion and they started pursuing other things in life that excited and interested them and are loving it!

Same with friends who spent years in study, jobs, careers that they once loved but found more love in other things.

This is perfectly normal and okay. I feel the biggest pressure we put on ourselves is what other people will think.

When I was going through this I was given a great piece advice from my best friend... “At the end of the day, you need to be happy, you need to be excited about what you are doing or you are living your limited days doing something because you feel you have to – not because you want to.” People really only care about themselves, so if you change your path and find new passions they may be surprised but after that conversation they go back to their lives and passions and so do you. Everyone finds their direction at different times of life so live for yourself, focus more on keeping your eyes open for the amazing little things around you, do what interests you, pursue what makes you curious and gets you excited.

Your potential is infinite. Carlo.

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