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Life changing decisions.

I was talking to a friend the other day about some big decisions that she needed to make, some more urgent than others... it began to stress her out, she wasn't eating right, sleeping poor and very distracted even when holding a conversation... Her thoughts were drowning her mind.

Sometimes you need to just take those breathes, think about it a little and just do it.

Big decisions are going to come up in life whether you are ready for them or not.

Most people like to avoid these situations, hide from different and stay safe in what is comfortable.

I don't blame them, it's a good feeling but it only a short term pleasure. There is no experience, no learning or growing.. Of course you don't want to be uncomfortable all your life...

But if you do not step out of your zone you are really missing out.

Decisions that will challenge you will make you grow, will force you to think, mature your mind and allow you to explore the infinite world of possibilities.

For me, I have had quite a few of these big decisions to make in my life... But there is 1 that really stands out to me that happened in the past 12 months.

Not many people actually know this story so I am quite nervous to let it out on the web and it's importance to me is something I know people can relate to.

Being offered a chance to move to Europe and trial with football clubs.This was a massive opportunity for my football career, business and my life.

I had always spoken about this opportunity but never thought I was blessed enough to have it actually happen.I had moved hours away from my family since I was 16 but that was only an hour flight/6 hour drive away.. Nothing crazy like a 26 hour flight away!

There was more than just working out flights, accommodation , quitting my job and packing my clothes to take care of. This was not a holiday where I was only going for a few weeks... I was leaving my comfortable life, my family to move to Europe to pursue my dreams and make it to the top.

No matter what.

Shortly after the news of the possible move I was involved in a small car accident that involved me being hit from behind at speed, thankfully I was unharmed but if you have been in a situation like this you do feel shaken up.

After the accident I felt distort, Unfocused and mentally not there...

This lead me onto regular session with a sports psychologist to improve my mental state, techniques for success, goal setting, focus and specific performance analysis. Her advice and guidance gave me confidence on what needed to be done regarding this massive decision.

She made it so clear - I could not lose from this experience...

Either way this trip would change my life.

At the time I was involved in a long term relationship over 4 and a half years. I was in love with this girl, she was everything to me, a beautiful partner and best friend. I adored her soul and felt so comfortable around her.But this move meant I was not coming back, the emphasis was on football, my head needed to be clear and focused. No distractions. Once I booked the flights the relationship would have to come to an end. I gave most of my attention, love, effort to her and into making her happy.

Which was an incredible feeling & connection.

To see how far we had come in 4 years as individuals was crazy after long distance, family issues but unfortunately she was not supportive enough and it wasn't equal... It was becoming a priority over my dreams and this was making me frustrated and not able to give her the full love she deserved as I had so much on my mind to do.

Over time I hinted at future plans and unfortunately our dreams didn't match. I had big plans that didn't include settling down in a small country town and not follow my aspirations.

It was a choice between holding onto love for her or love for my ambitions.

I needed to live my life, explore and put my dreams first or I was going to risk my true happiness.

On my way to the travel agent I had a little pain in my chest... I thought it was probably a stitch from drinking my juice to fast.. As I moved through the shopping center and got closer to the shop it increased to a very uncomfortable sharp pain. Of course first thing that came to my mind was heart attack! It was a horrible experience being surrounded by people and holding my chest almost in tears..I drove myself (in pain) to the hospital.. After a long 9 hour wait in a cold, packed emergency room with unbearable chest pain i was told the wait would be another 4 or so hours. I decided to go home and sleep it off with the meds the receptionist gave me. Luckily I woke up fine the next morning and had another session with my sport psychologist. She was certain it was an anxiety attack. My first ever. Brought on by the huge impact this task had attached with it.

Fortunately the next week I was able to go in and book my flights without any attacks.. Shortly after I spoke to my partner.. At this point I was a mess.. Excited, happy, sad, lonely, confused, unsure, stressed, in pain from what I just lost and decided to do.

But I knew I was taking the next step to living an extraordinary life.

Ever since I left that day in August I have had the time of my life, seeing beautiful places I had only dreamed of seeing and being emerged in a whole different culture. Everyday is a new adventure. I have done things I never even imagined I would do in my lifetime. As I reflect I see how much I have grown as a person and how believing in myself can take me to astonishing, glorious places.

I have WONDERLUST in my veins.

I have made some incredible friends from here and from back home during this time. Some who are now the closest people in my life, who are my best friends, who care and who share the same passion and desire for life as me. These are relationships have helped me through the tough times.

There will times when you need to decide one or the other, a change of direction.

To leave a place, person or thing... It will be uncomfortable, lonely, hurt... And sometimes it doesn't work out as planned and that's scary at first. But you will never know if you never try.

I sacrificed a lot, that at the time was what I thought I wanted.. A normal life with my partner in a comfort zone and sometimes I do get upset at hard times and look back and think what would it be like if I didn't chase my dream... Probably buying a house, engaged, somewhat happy on the outside.. but not fulfilled.

It was not what my heart truly wanted for my passion and my future.

Damn I'm happy I took the step.

I wouldn't change the decision I made, even if I had the chance.

To be where I am today, PLAYING FOOTBALL IN EUROPE, traveling the world,on this journey, with this exciting future is a true blessing.Who would of thought this would happen to me? At 19 years old?I did, I believe in my vision and trust myself... This is only the beginning.

I am living my dreams and you can too!

You do not have to participate in the system mediocre life you think you need to.Do what your heart tells you to do, follow the path you feel pulled to.

There is no shortcuts, it will be hard... so fucking hard at times..

You will lose people in your life, you will risk important things, miss out on parties...

You will want to give up...


It will be worth it.

Follow your dreams. Don't let them pass because of obstacles or barriers in your way...

F*CK the Barriers!

Imagine how amazing your memories could be. Don't give up.

You deserve to live the life you have always wanted.

Your potential is infinite. Carlo.

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