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What life did you always dream of?

I hear everyone telling me since a young age to be ‘realistic’ and just be happy… How can anyone be truly happy if they are not living the life they always imagined? That would be settling for something less than expected in life… I am not saying everyone is unhappy, but it does confuse me at how some people can condemn themselves to a mediocre life, struggling and accepting to be what they think is happy. Living in regret and playing it safe in what is comfortable.. How good does it feel when you accomplish a goal or when something you have always dreamed of happens? It could be you lose that 10kg, buy that new car/house, climb that mountain or you travel to places on your bucket list that had you in awe for years.. That feeling of overwhelming euphoria, ecstasy and joy. These are the feelings I thrive off! I wouldn't be traveling the world living my dreams if my ambitions were little, if I didn't want to be uncomfortable, if I wanted a boring life... Ever since I was little I wanted to be a professional soccer player, a billionaire, drive fancy cars, big houses, travel the world, help people and live that superstar life I had seen in movies… (like most kids). And I still have all these dreams and a lot more, yes a lot of those are materialistic but I really do want them! Let’s be honest, these are not easy things to attain but I want to face these challenges, I want the journey that will develop me into the a person I need to be so I can trust in my vision, never give up and do what it takes to live my dreams. And against huge odds I am making these dreams a reality. As I grew older and matured I dreamed of helping people in need, changing the world, great health, success, happiness and to look after the ones I love. My list keeps growing… I get it, some people are different and want different things and that’s great, some will judge me based on my dreams/ goals but really I could not care less about their thoughts. This is my passion, my happiness, my grind and my life to live. I admire people who are passionate about their dreams, people who strive for the impossible, people wanting to escape the norm. My closest friends right now are people that have come into my life in the past few years that have these BIG dreams and that not only want to succeed themselves but want to see me succeed too. It is such a huge turn on meeting a girl with big amabitions in her life. Lets face it, life is short... how are you going to make your life worth living? “The future you see is the future you get.” – Robert G Allen I was told to do this task by one of my mentors: Take 10 minutes a day to get in your “zone”, meditate, go to a dark room whatever it may be and just imagine living the life you want… imagine how you would feel…Trust me this will be an insane 10 minutes, but so valuable to your mind to feed on. If you don’t dream to strive for more, you will never know how much you can achieve. Let your imagination run wild, You CAN do anything you set your mind to... SO DREAM BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There is still plenty of time to live your dreams, it begins now.

Your potential is infinite! Carlo.

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